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White Paper- The World of Buyer 2.0 is Here… is Your Sales Organization Adapting?

November 20, 2017

Download 2 White Papers on the world of Buyer 2.0.

In Part 1, The New Buyer Landscape, we explore the new buyer landscape – the world of Buyer 2.0. In this rapidly evolving environment, buyers’ have unprecedented access to information and are less reliant on sellers to lead them through their buying process. In many cases, buyers can identify their own business issues to address, conduct research… reach out to peers… participate in blogs and forums… and they can attempt to diagnose their own needs and their own evaluation criteria.

In Part 2, Adapting to the New Paradigm, we introduce the concept of a “buyer/seller framework” and consider ramifications of the new buyer landscape on sales organizations. This framework provides direction for the types of skills, activities, and tools that are becoming new essentials for effective sales execution, and explores how sales process, methodology, and selling skills need to adapt to the new world of buyers.

Let us know if we can support your efforts to fully leverage the new buyer 2.0.

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