
Our Solutions

Our sales planning, execution, management methodologies and workshops support a multichannel, end-to-end sales process. Each of our engagements are unique and based on the specific needs, circumstances and timelines of our client companies.

Many of our engagements have three key phases:

Explore the potential challenges and our solutions for each key phase below.


ASSESS Needs, Team and Processes


  • “We need quantifiable information about how our people perform, so we can act based on facts instead of relying on our gut feel.”
  • “We don’t have a clear sales process, and that means we can’t consistently and effectively coach, qualify and inspect our team or opportunities.”
  • “Our marketing messages are ineffective. We need to ensure they are solution-focused and highly relevant to our customers’ problems and needs.”
  • “Our salespeople are not equipped with the industry, situation and capability knowledge or tools they need to ensure customers that we understand them and can help them.”


  • Our Sales Talent Optimization® helps to identify the right competencies that impact both personal and business results, as well as where to focus training and coaching efforts for the best results.
  • Our Sales Process Implementation Methodology® helps define and provide a structured approach for integrating skills and knowledge training into repeatable processes and methods.
  • Our Solution Messaging Methodology® is a workshop that helps the marketing team develop a customer-relevant messaging platform for solutions.
  • The Solution Selling Tools® workshop integrates the Solution Messaging platform into practical sales tools and job aids for the sales organization.

DEVELOP Skills and Competencies


  • “We need to improve the fundamental skills and knowledge of our sales team, and become more consultative in our sales approach.”
  • “We need to improve our win rates for large, complex opportunities.”
  • “We need to more effectively ‘harvest’ revenue from existing accounts.”
  • “We need to ensure that our salespeople are correctly targeting and working the highest-priority accounts.”
  • “We need our salespeople to become more effective at accessing and selling to executives.”
  • “We need our sales managers to be effective coaches and improve forecast predictability.”
  • “We’re not achieving our revenue and profitability targets from our indirect sales channel partners.”
  • “We need inside sales to be more effective at stimulating interest in our offerings, and convert those same customers who are ‘willing to explore’ to customers who will buy.”
  • “We need our presentations to be more focused on the problems we help a client solve versus just telling how great our company and products are.”


  • Solution Selling® is a methodology and series of workshops that help salespeople diagnose customer problems, both proactively and reactively, and then align selling activities to the steps of an organization’s buying process.
  • Strategic Opportunity Selling® is a planning methodology that applies intense focus on winning key strategic sales opportunities within an account.
  • Major Account Selling® is a workshop designed to gain the highest levels of revenue attainment and client satisfaction for teams working with and/or selling to large, strategic accounts.
  • Targeted Territory Planning® is a workshop that focuses on the segmentation of accounts and opportunities in a defined territory in order to prioritize sales resource investments.
  • Executive-Level Selling® is a program that gives salespeople a proven way to engage in dialogues with high and mid- level executives to drive strategic revenue opportunities.
  • Sales Management and Coaching® is a workshop that gives sales managers a proven way to drive significant productivity and effectiveness increases in the sales force, as well as improve forecast accuracy.
  • Solution Selling for Channel Management® enables indirect sales channel managers to produce higher and more consistent sales results from partners they sell to, with or through.
  • Solution Selling for Inside Sales® is a program that provides inside sales personnel with highly effective sales scripts to help stimulate interest and improve conversion rates.
  • Solution Speak® helps sales and support deliver presentations with the right message, to the right person, at the right time.



  • “We need to ensure that our investment in training and methodologies becomes engrained in our day-to-day business practices.”
  • “Our CRM is not allowing us to effectively and immediately apply our sales training, process, methods and tools.”


  • Our structured approach optimizes the practical adoption and application of newly learned skills, abilities and techniques.
  • EnablePro® allows your CRM to apply and reinforce your training and sales process so that behavior changes, as well as opportunity and pipeline management, are improved.

For more information about our workshops, methodology or how we work, please Contact Us.