
How effective is your sales talent?

May 18, 2020

During this pandemic, many sales leaders are focused on improving the efficiency of their team members, i.e. often spending upwards of $4,000 per year, per rep on technology to support their efforts.  Still, the opportunity cost of a sales rep that is not performing up to standard, can cost well upwards of $1 million per year in lost revenue.  The lost opportunity from an underperforming sales manager is even more costly.

What if, as you are preparing your team for your markets opening back up, you could get an outside perspective on the effectiveness of some or all of your sales team (reps and managers), and your next big opportunities, including:

Now is also a unique, once in a generation opportunity to get insights into these questions.  Most manager/rep interactions are being conducted virtually, which creates a rare opportunity to conduct “virtual ride-alongs” for these discussions. In normal times, these discussions are often done in person, making it more difficult (and sometimes even awkward) to incorporate a coach.  In this virtual environment, you could touch a significant portion of your sales management and reps in a matter of weeks vs. months/years.

Over the last two months, we have supported a number of sales leaders with various program components to improve the effectiveness of their team members – and at the same time, greatly benefiting those that we did the “virtual” ride-alongs with.  A win-win.  If you would like to talk further about tailoring a program to meet your specific needs, let’s have a discussion.  The cost of doing nothing could be significant.

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